The Remote Desktop Commander Suite introduced a new dashboard and report in version 5.0 that tracks terminal server CPU usage by application.
That was a significant development, because with that update – whether you run Remote Desktop Services (RDS), Citrix, or Windows Virtual Desktop – figuring out which programs are taxing processor time is now only a single click away.
Here is more about how you can put that capability to work for you:
Tracking CPU Usage by Remote Desktop Services Programs in the “CPU Use By Application” Dashboard
First, make sure you have deployed the Remote Desktop Commander agent to each of your remote desktop servers, Citrix hosts, or WVD hosts. Once agents have been deployed and are collecting data, go to the Reports and Dashboards menu, and select the “CPU Use By Application” dashboard.

Choose the time frame you want to evaluate. The Remote Desktop Commander Suite very quickly calculates the CPU usage per remote desktop application and sorts programs by greatest to least usage.
If you want to dive into the user session where the application was running, highlight the process name, and click “Open Selected Session.” That recorded remote desktop services session will then be displayed, and you can see all the activity and performance impact of all processes in that user session.
Keeping an Eye on Programs That Regularly Tax the CPU on Remote Desktop Session Hosts with the “CPU Use By Application” Report
- From within the CPU Use by Application Dashboard, you can click the small Report (Printer) icon to immediately generate an instant report of what is currently displayed in that dashboard.
- OR, you can click “Run Reports” from the Reports and Dashboards Menu, select the Performance reporting category, and then select the Performance (Agent Required) – “CPU Use By Application” report from the list. Running a report this way allows you to further filter out terminal server CPU usage by things like Remote Desktop Session Host name, user or Active Directory group name, or even process name.
- Similarly, in the “Run Reports” menu, you can schedule a daily instance of this report so you can track which programs are impacting CPU resources the most on your WVD, Citrix, or RDS hosts.

Of course, you can also profile memory and CPU usage by terminal server session in the Remote Desktop Commander Suite, and you can find out which applications use the most memory on a regular basis, via other dashboards and reports.
Don’t have this capability yet? Sign up today for a monthly subscription to the Remote Desktop Commander Suite.
Or, learn more about our Complete Monitoring and Management Bundle for RDS/WVD, where you can have access to all three of RDPSoft’s RDS monitoring and management tools for a low monthly cost per terminal server per month.
Updated: September 2022.
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